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Kitchen Remodel Complete

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    Robert Claus

We completed our DIY kitchen remodel 2 weeks ago and I'm excited to finally share pictures! We did all the work (other than literally installing countertops) ourselves and didn't have any other contractors in the house. The biggest changes were taking out a wall and replacing a big glass sliding door with a traditional one. It ended up being a bit under 3 months of work with only minor delays for inspections.

We love the way it turned out. The wall of built-in cabinets in the dining area is probably my favorite part since it makes the room feel deliberate and planned out. We went through 100's of light fixtures online and ended up picking from 10+ that we actually ordered (and returned) so they ended up just about perfect for our aesthetic. That plus all new recessed lighting makes it the brightest room in the house now, which is really pleasant.


Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen


Kitchen Kitchen
Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen